Applerostis out of the oven

My boyfriend is trying to watch his calories, and because basically everything that has sugar in it is immediately a calorie bomb, I thought that I could make some cookies for him without using sugar. However, cookies are so great because they are sweet, so I needed something else to replace the sweetness of the sugar. So I thought, why don’t I make cookies with apples and raisins, healthy, low on calories, but still soooo good to eat.

I went searching for recipes for this, but I wasn’t overly happy with the actual no sugar, apple cookies that I found because it’s in the category of ‘super healthy freak’ recipes. But I, however, found some recipes for applerostis, which are basically cookies, but normally made with potatoes and vegetables. Because I am a big fan of those potato-rostis I thought that this would be a win-win situation. Then I saw that they needed to be baked in butter in a pan and I thought ‘no, that’s not going to happen, because then I’ve lost every progress I made towards making healthy low-fat cookies’. I decided to bake them in the oven instead, at about 180 degrees Celsius and then see how long they would actually have to be in there.

If you also want to make these heavenly, healthy cookies without sugar, low on fat and low on calories here’s the recipe:


– 3 apples (I used Pink Lady because they are were the only naturally sweet apples the supermarket had, but you can use others if you want)
– 3 spoons full of raisins (I think I put more in mine, but they got stuck in the packet, so it was hard to be sure how many there actually were, but you want to have the kind of ratio that you find in applepies, so if you’ve got big apples (like I did) then you have to use more raisins, if you have small apples, you don’t have to use as much.)
– lemonjuice and cinnamon (I sort of forgot to use these…)
– 50 grams of self raising flour (Google translate isn’t giving me a good translation I think, but I can’t find a better one)
– 1/2 dl milk (I used semi-skinned milk)
– 1 egg

I have a hot-air oven and I set it to 180 degrees Celsius. I have no idea what you have to do if you have a different kind of oven.

– whisk the egg, whisk in the milk and then the flour.
– peel the apples, cut them in fours and remove the cores. Then you grate them rough, the final bits I couldn’t grate anymore I cut up in small bits.
– Stir the applegrating and the raisins through the batter. But don’t throw in everything at the same time, just bit by bit.

At first I tried to make them like normal cookies on a plate, but the second round I put in my muffin tin (the silicon ones you can pop easily) and they turned out better. Don’t be stingy with putting the batter in, the bigger ones actually come out better and hold their shape better as well.