Tarot Readings

I am going to have a new service via my blog.  As I’ve talked about this earlier it might not come as a big surprise that I’m now going to offer tarot readings through my blog. Click on the page above that says ‘Free Tarot Reading’ and fill in the contact form. Because I am still learning the tarot readings are still going to be free. However, because I am still learning I would appreciate any and all feedback that you can give me about how you experienced the reading, if I was even remotely close to your situation or if my advice/answer was so completely off track it wasn’t even funny. Maybe you find my writing style incomprehensible and unclear, or maybe you find it absolutely fantastic and/or hilarious. Every feedback is welcome, because it will allow me to learn more about how I should be reading tarot, or how I should present my readings.

It may be that your question or whatever you want advice for is something that I cannot answer through the tarot. If that is the case than I will discuss with you a rephrasing of the question or advice-request, or maybe re-direct the question. http://www.biddytarot.com/what-not-to-ask-the-tarot/ This page will explain to you, easier than I can here, what you can and cannot, or should not, ask the tarot.

Because of my autism, and because outside of tarot reading I also have a somewhat filled life, I will generally not be able to do the reading immediately. I will however do my absolute best to do the reading within 7 days after I’ve read and responded to your reading request. I will answer every request, with either saying that I’ve read your request and will perform the reading within 7 days, or maybe I have a follow up question regarding your request, or, if my schedule will be very, very, very busy I will answer that I may not be able to do the reading within 7 days and I will ask if you want to wait for the reading or if you want to cancel the request. Because I am also going to sign up to be a free reader for biddytarot, it could be that I will re-direct you to their site if I cannot perform the reading within the time frame of 7 days.

If you have a question, or a situation to which you need speedy advice, and you would like a very speedy reading (preferably within two or three days, or even that same day), than I would like to ask for a small donation. The size of the donation is completely up to you, but because you are asking me to set aside time to do that reading for you immediately, I feel that in the spirit of professionalism I have to ask for it. The donation does not have to be monetary, an exchange of services or goods is also fine by me. It is all up for discussion. All you have to do is fill in the request form normally, and in the comment section write that you need/want a speedy reading and what you would like to offer as a donation. I will reply to that request as soon as I can and let you know if I can accept the donation and how to go from there. I have a paypal account which I will use for the monetary donations.


Because I’m from the Netherlands you can choose between whether you want to receive my reading in English or in Dutch. I am well aware that not everybody in the Netherlands can work through English as well as I can and because I want you to be able to properly read what I’ve read for you I decided to put in the option. If you do not choose a language I will default to English. I do not speak, or write, German, French or any other language. Not fluently enough at least to write the reading in.

I hold the right to change the information displayed on this page at any point in the future. If I feel that I’ve studied enough and that I want to go professional I might change this page to display the prices. If you want to receive notice of when this will happen I suggest that you subscribe to this post or this blog, if I change anything to this post then you should get an e-mail. (I am not completely sure about this, because I also still don’t know how I can send an e-mail to those who have already subscribed to my blog)

In case writing doesn’t quite work out

With that completely nothing saying title I’m going to start this blog that will probably not say much either. Well, at least not so much as the others.

You see, for my fantasy series that takes place on Narada, I’m doing quite some handicraft in order to bring more life to some of the aspects of the daily livelihood of the people living their. I’m going to make the most important dresses of the female main characters namely Deirdre, Rachel, and Samantha, if possible and with the help of male friends I’ll also make the important clothing of the male main characters. I have a bunch of long branches lying at home that are going to be turned into (ceremonial) walking sticks. These walking sticks are more for my own creativity because I won’t be bringing them with me to any of the fairs or festivals. I am embroidering the cape of the High Priestess of the Goddess of Water(which will also be part of the outfit for Deirdre). To have a better feeling for the merchant priests and priestesses of the God of Wealth I am going to make an outfit that would be worn by one of the women(and perhaps later on also on for a man). Basically I am doing about everything I can think off that will make that world more realistic to me and the readers.

This includes taking up another hobby. During Castlefest 2011 I bought a starter’s book for tarot reading and interpreting and a set of tarot cards that will have to do until I either find a more appropriate one or have it made by someone. The priestesses of the Goddess of Water are known for being wise and provide service to the people by helping them solve problems. So anyone faced with a difficult situation or who doesn’t know what to do, which path to take, or is otherwise basically stuck, will search out one of these priestesses (in their home country or more locally if possible) and ask for their help, advice and/or guidance. The priestesses, in turn, are trained in using the power of water to provide this help, advice and/or guidance. Tarot reading is one of them. I am not going to say what part this tarot reading will have in my stories, most likely absolutely nothing. I am merely pursuing it for my own interest and for background knowledge of these priestesses.

And why am I telling you all this? Because I really, really, really need to practice. Tarot reading is an art, and for some a profession as well, and, just like any other art, in order to do this well I have to practice and hone it. In the case that I need to use it in my stories I am going to lay a tarot reading and give that to the character in the book as answer, or, if it is really important and they need to go somewhere that can’t be left to the serendipity of the cards, I will make up the answer myself but I will have to have good knowledge of what the cards could say in such a situation.

To be able to practice this incredibly fascinating art I need test subjects(sounds very scientific and completely not artsy XD) and other willing people to lay cards for and read and interpret these cards. No money will be made by me or you (for now, unless you’re so happy with what I tell you than I will accept a nice thank you) so you’ll get free readings of about an hour in which you can ask me for readings for as long as their is time. So about one or two.

You can contact me if you’re interested and we’ll work something out.