Intermittent Fasting, the other caveman diet

There are two types of diets that have come up in recent media which both advocate as being the ‘diet of the original human’. One is the Paleo diet, focusing on not eating grains and no nightshade plants such as tomato and potato if I’m correct. This is all off the top of my head and what I remember from someone’s explanation, so it might not all be correct and it’s not completely relevant to be. If you’re interested in the Paleo diet, I strongly urge you to look it up.

The other type of diet, which I had been looking at for a bit and done some research into and am now trying out, is Intermittent Fasting. Intermittent Fasting is the diet which goes directly opposite the wildly held belief that you must eat breakfast and that it’s the most important meal of the day and is associated with all sorts of benefits. I will not go into this today, again you can look it all up.

Intermittent Fasting works on the belief that when humans were still cavemen we regularly went stretches of time without eating and that our bodies were made for this. I am not interested in this diet because of this, but more for its benefits. Which this video explains and also how it works and how you should go about it and basically is just a general explanation. He has a lot more in-depth videos of intermittent fasting and other things, so if you want to know more you can just check those out.

The main reasons that I want to do this are yes to lose weight, lose some fat, become thinner, but also because it helps me listen to my body more and teaches me how to take better care for it. It helps me keep track of food better, keeps me from snacking at night or taking sugary drinks. It’s more about getting and keeping a sense of control over my body for me.

I joined a facebook group for intermittent fasting that is linked to a specific app for it and at some point, I saw a post from someone who had an eating disorder who asked a question and someone else responded that she had bulimia and that she uses intermittent fasting to gain and keep control of her body. And that made me realize that I actually also fall into that category. I may not have the eating disorder as it is commonly known, and it is definitely not a label I would like to tack unto myself. However, I am very sensitive to food, I am very sensitive to a lot of things, and eating is often really a struggle for me and bad habits are very easy to fall into when a lot of healthier foods are off limits. This gives me the opportunity to really dive into researching healthy foods that I can eat or drink.

For anyone who is worried, I am not doing this because it is becoming a fad diet or something. But I am struggling with a lot of issues, my weight being one of them. A lot of my struggles deal with me grasping for control over different areas of my life and learning to find and take that control instead of giving it up to someone or something else. So for me, this is really about empowerment.

If anyone has any questions or wants to talk to me about this, they definitely can. If you don’t agree with me for doing this, that’s fine, but do realize that this is more than a way to lose weight easily. I fully expect that that will either take time or happen very minimally. This is mostly about taking control of my body and learning how it works.


So. It has been a while. For a while now there have been thoughts that I wanted to share with my readers (few as they are), but each time I thought ‘No, I shouldn’t. It’s stupid.’ And that in and of itself was stupid, but I also didn’t quite know how to express what I wanted to say, or rather write. So maybe in the times ahead I’ll be able to write some of those things that I wanted to write. But first, it’s time to talk about something new.

I have always been a hugely creative person. I’ve loved to create things and as long as I did those things for myself it usually didn’t bother me all that much if it didn’t come out as perfect as a Da Vinci painting. But I’ve grown up knowing that being an artist probably isn’t going to get the bills paid. So I looked at what normal jobs I could do that could pay the bills.

I tried learning to be a teacher’s assistant, but with my (now obvious) autism that wasn’t fated to go well. Went back to high school for a better high school diploma. Went to a translator’s academy. I, however, couldn’t learn the third language quickly enough and keep up with everything else so that didn’t go through. So I figured, what job can I study for that let’s me study English and literature (which was my passion)? I settled on English teacher. The theory of it went great, because I am a study person. However, again my autism (still not official) forced me to accede that I am simply not good enough in social things and communication to be able to ever do this. So I figured, well if there isn’t a job I can do with English, at least I can study English Language and Culture. And I did that. That’s when I got the official document saying that I have autism in some not specified degree. At the University I tried another hand at translating and found out that I liked it, but that my anxieties really didn’t. I got my Bachelor’s degree through some miracle, but during my Master’s they really got the better of me.

So, with a relatively useless diploma and an autism diagnosis in the pocket I was back in square one. I was back at trying to figure out what normal job I could possibly do. With the help of someone I figured out that I’d really to sew for a living, but that that probably wasn’t very feasible. So we continued looking. And we thought, well, what if we combine your love of sewing and creating with something simpler that will let you pay the bills. Best of both worlds, right? So we looked at what other skills I have and how they could give me a job. I remembered that I also like numbers. I like being organized (yes, my house may not look it, but my mind really does like having things organized. The problem is that I can’t keep stuff organized). I like being accurate, even if it slows me down. That made us think, well wouldn’t a job as a bookkeeper or in administration be something for you. So I went back to school to learn to be a business administrator in part-time. So one day a week I went to school, and three days a week I worked in the administration of an administration’s office.

I liked what I was learning. It was difficult as it was really something different from what I had been doing before but I liked it. And then, within two months I started finding problems. One was a side of my autism that I hadn’t really seen before. Namely that when I have to process information that it stays in my head awhile, it takes a while for me fully process information. Not in the sense that it takes a while for me understand something, but in the sense that it clogs up my head like a crumpled piece of paper clogging up a strainer. And the more information I have to process, the more clogged up the strainer in my brain gets. For a little while that goes okay, but eventually I get headaches, really painful ones. So I had to take some sick leave. Take some rest so that my mind could get unclogged. It that point it takes days.

But after a while it sort of went okay and the headaches grew less. I grew slightly more proficient.

Then I found out that this nagging problem I’ve been having for as long as I can remember, really doesn’t like me working at a desk. I think it was within two months from me starting that job that I had to go see a physical therapist because my back was giving me so much pain that I couldn’t concentrate on my job. I had to do so much stretching and taking breaks that I wasn’t getting any work done properly. For the next few months I regularly went to see that physical therapist. Until my sessions paid for by my insurance were done. I could continue going, but I’d have to pay for them myself. And the physical therapist said “You shouldn’t come anymore. Your problem is chronic and the best I can do is give you temporary pain relief. Go see if a chiropractor or masseuse can help you out.”

After my vacation I went to see both. I really had to, because when I went back to work after my vacation I had so much pain within 2 weeks that I couldn’t do anything except lie on the couch. A month and a half later I still was having too much pain that I regularly had to miss work. My doctor prescribed me paracetamol painkillers, and when those didn’t do enough he added diclophenac. Those helped, for short periods of time. But I still had days when I simply couldn’t go to work.

My contract was nearly up so it was time for me and my boss to think about whether or not we were going to continue.

I had found that because of my problems processing input I had trouble sometimes keeping the different accounts apart. So I would make mistakes because I would take information from one account and use it on another account. But I thought that maybe if I went to for the administration of one big business, who only had to deal with their own administration, that it wouldn’t be such a problem.

So I had started looking for a new job. Finally, two days before my contract was up I got word that I could start working at a smaller firm. So I didn’t re-new my contract and to work closer to home.

But even my chiropractor could do no more than relieve my pain for short periods. And I was missing a lot of time both at school and at work due to my autism and back problems. So much that I sometimes only could work one day a week, or even less, and had to be home the rest of the time. My boss, rightfully so, sat down with me and we tried to think of what we could do to better the situation. First up I had already offered to try and work at least half days for now. He also said that maybe I should try sporting under the guidance of a physical therapist.

So I went to see a new physical therapist who quickly saw that my pelvis actually wasn’t standing straight. This caused decreased mobility in the corresponding ankle and had also caused my back to sort of re-shape itself so that I could stand up straight. Sort of. This had caused me to have so much tension on my back that it was no small wonder that I had tension headaches.

That’s where I am now. I’ve been going to see this physical therapist who hammers my back and pelvis back into place and he has given me a routine that helps me get mobility back into my back. However, with my issues my back will have tension on it easier (because the tension from increased sensory input and information processing also settles on my back) and longer and harder. Even with my special chair I have difficulty working my hours. There is so much backlog in the administration that the company might lose clients. Because of me. So I don’t think that my contract will be re-newed.

I also don’t think it’s wise. Because even though I’m smart enough to do the job, I have so many issues that it probably isn’t feasible for me to do the job. Nor will I be able to find a boss who is okay with me having so much sick leave that my productivity is 30%.

So I’m once again back to square one. Trying to figure out what I can do to scrape together an income. That’s where Patreon is coming in. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to set everything up. I still have a month and a half to figure it out before my contract is up. But I think I should focus on my creative projects. Getting those out, and doing temp work in between projects while I get together a client base. But I need to create and I need to do it on my own hours. I need to be able to take breaks long enough for me to clear my head or go sporting to stretch my back. I have come to the realization that I am probably not going to fit in any mold of a normal job. So I’m going to make money doing what I can. Making clothing, making audio books or podcasts. Making props for LARP. Perhaps doing some pixelart for a happy patron. I’ll figure it out. This way I hope to show myself and the world that I do have worth and that I am awesome. Even if I don’t fit the mold that society wants me to fill.

So please. If you want to see me make awesome clothing, everyday clothing or costumes or something in between. If you want to hear me recite tales. If you want to hear me discuss books or DnD. If you want to see me create a pixel project piece by piece. Think about supporting me as a patron. Tiers will be as small as 1 or 5 dollars a month. You can even sign up to have your tarot cards read by me. In the time before I will launch my Patreon page I will talk more about what I’m going to be doing, probably as I’m figuring stuff out. So follow this page and, most of all, tell your friends and family to support this awesome person who doesn’t the mold.

The unintentional hurt

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, and I didn’t mean to. But some things that I wanted to talk about still hurt too much to put them down to writing at the time. But, lately it’s been itching for me to write one of these things again. I wanted to create a blog filled with happy things, good news and such, but since my life mostly isn’t made up of happy things and good news I guess it stands to reason that it would be hard to fill my blog with it then.

There have been plenty of posts all over the internet about what not to tell people who are suffering from depression or other mental illnesses, or about how you should deal with them. Those posts are all great, because lots of people still have a lot to learn about that aspect. But one  of the things that is almost never discussed is what you should or can do for someone who is caring for someone with a mental or physical illness.

Let me tell you something about my country. It has now been over a year since my boyfriend and I moved in together. Joy and happiness all around, right? Well, there probably would be more of it, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m still messed up. I didn’t want to take that with my into this new phase of my life, but unfortunately, that wasn’t really up to me. When I was still living with my parents and wasn’t up to getting a job after I quit school because I wanted to commit suicide (one of those things that hurt too much to talk about, but I’ll explain more later), I could get an unemployment benefit specifically designed for those who have trouble getting a job. I could get this BECAUSE I was living with my parents. However, when I moved in with my boyfriend the new city government (because I had also moved cities) said: “Well, unless you have a contract that your living spaces are clearly separate, he’s financially responsible for you, also he makes enough money for the both of you, so you can’t get welfare.”

Well fuck. And it didn’t stop there. When I was still living with my parents I finally got practical personal help who helped me get the semblance of my life into some sort of order. She was a wonderful person. However, when I moved cities I moved out of her ‘jurisdiction'(not entirely true, it works a little differently, but it came down to me living too far away to continue getting help from her). Luckily, the bureau that she worked with also had a department near my new place and I managed to get a new coach, yes let’s go with coach.However, I needed approval from the city government so that they could pay the bureau so that she got paid for helping me. So fine, we talked to the city government. And the first question they ask is, “How much can your boyfriend do?” And I love my boyfriend very much but I don’t want to saddle him up with everything. It’s been breaking me up for years, so why would I want to saddle that unto him. But the city government is adamant that he helps me deal with whatever, for however much he can do. So not only do they want him to be financially responsible for me as long as I can’t get a job (I have one now, but more or that in a different post), but they also want him to be my caregiver. Putting even more of a strain on a relationship that hasn’t been easy for years.

But what they forget is that this also puts a strain on the caregiver, in this case, someone with a 40-hour workweek, who is also a new homeowner. There are no funds to help out the caregivers. And caregivers do a lot, out of love they sacrifice their own time, and sometimes also money, to help out their person in need, be it a (grand)mother, or other relative or their significant other, or sometimes even just a really good friend. In the case of family or a significant other the government expects it from the people around them to take care of that person. They don’t offer any thanks or help for them, they just expect them to step up out of love and take on that burden.

I didn’t expect that help in the way that the government does. We had talked about it and he understood that I need help and sometimes guidance, but I never wanted to put all of that at his feet. I have, however, been ungrateful about it. I should have known better, I’ve seen my mother take care of my mother and how much she came to resent her mother (even more) because she never thanked her for everything that she did, she just saw it as normal. I’ve always been very grateful for what he’s done for me, but I’ve had problems expressing it. I always feel very foolish saying thanks or giving someone a compliment. Where I come from thanks wasn’t a word that was uttered a lot, and compliments have always made me feel weird. I make a wreck out of myself trying to live up to the world’s expectation and then when I feel that I do, I can’t be happy about it because all I’ve done is reached ‘normal’, happy is for when you do something extra. But everything that I accomplish is normal. So I often also forget to compliment other people for whatever they do.

My relationship has now been going for almost 8 years. I would like nothing more than to wake up every day next to him, have that short cuddle with him after I’ve gotten dressed, or be kissed by him after he’s gotten up before me. But I’ve never even had a normal good friend for that long. And I don’t count friendships from primary schools, because those a. weren’t all that because of the bullying, and b. friendship was simple, it consisted of ‘do you want to play with me after school’. I hardly know how to have a normal friendship, let alone have a relationship.

After I got together with him I wanted to stop thinking of myself as a victim, so I started therapy, and then another therapy, and another therapy. I got anti-depressants. Eventually I went off the anti-depressants, I think because they weren’t really working and I was doing okay. I was doing okay, so long as I wasn’t thinking about my depression or something that triggers my performance anxiety. But as my boyfriend visualized it, I stagnated, until I found a new hole to go down and then I went deeper, until I stagnated, then I would find a new hole and go deeper and that went on and on, until I found rock bottom and I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to commit suicide because I felt like such a burden to everyone around me. I felt like such a failure who would need help with just about everything and would never find her place in society where I would be productive and accepted. I felt like I always had to be special, I could never do anything normal. And everyone around me always had to adjust to what I needed. I honestly thought that I would make everyone’s life better by taking myself out of that equation. I thought that if I took myself away from this world, than the people I loved wouldn’t have that burden anymore, they could live carefree without me to mess everything up and make everything difficult.

That almost killed my relationship. It’s still almost killing my relationship. Because I can’t explain to my boyfriend that it wasn’t his fault that I continued on that downward slope. That it wasn’t something that he could really have done something against. Loving my harder, doing more for me, making it easier for me, wouldn’t have changed a thing. It’s my head that’s the problem. My thinking, which leads to actions or inability to act.

The combination of me not knowing how to be in a relationship and keeping it alive and me being so wrapped up in my depression has hurt my boyfriend. That’s what a lot of people forget about depression. There’s also the other side of it. What it does to the people around the mentally ill. And now I’ve unintentionally hurt my boyfriend to the point where we don’t know if it still can be fixed. And I’m left with figuring out how to get myself together, accept and love myself and show how much I love my boyfriend.

Isn’t autism a mental thing?

I had just posted something on facebook about how annoying it sometimes can be to have autism. A friend of mine didn’t understand how what was annoying was related to having autism and she actually asked “But isn’t autism a mental thing, and not a physical?”. I don’t want to give that friend the idea that I feel that she’s an idiot or something, because the problem probably isn’t her fault for the most part. It’s a sort of ignorance, born from inadequate information. I replied to her with a lengthier explanation of what the problem really was about and how that was related to autism. But there are more people out there who, like her, have a misconception about autism or are simply not informed enough. So to put some more information out there about autism I decided to write this. I don’t want to write this to get pity. I want to write this so that people understand better what I, and people like me, live with everyday and so that they might understand better why I react the way that I, or people like me, do. Maybe also that the people around me, can know a little better what my problems are and how they can help minimize them so that I can live a little easier and life with me can be a little easier.

I have to say up front that not all people with autism have the same problems, for instance, there are many autistic people who are not as hypersentive as I am. I am ‘lucky’ enough to be quite a social person who can talk relatively easily, so for me communication is LESS of a problem than for the autistic people who have difficulties communicating, for a variety of reasons. So, while there are things that are found to be more common among people with autism, it does not actually have to mean that every person with autism has that. Vice versa, there are things that are related to someone’s autism that are not shared with another person’s autism. So in my piece I can only go into more detail about problems or good things that are related to my autism.

To address the misconception that my friend had. No. Autism is not just a mental thing, it’s actually a brain thing that is in our DNA.
brain_autismMost problems with autism usually originate from a problem with sensory processing. Most children learn to process sensory input. What does that sound mean? What does this smell mean? Who is that waving at me? What is that enclosing me? What is sliding down my back? With children with autism that process takes longer to complete. People with autism are born with a sort of learning disability regarding the world and their bodies. It takes us longer to learn that new things aren’t evil and out to destroy us, or out to hurt us. This is why some people with autism are called ‘retards’, because we sometimes take longer to process a question and formulate an answer.

Some of the people with autism move in a sort of jerky motion. I mostly don’t have that because I have parents who danced, brothers who danced, and I have been dancing since the age of 4. I can be clumsy and I have preferences in how I like to use my body (such as the way that I sit or lie down). So, unfortunately I can’t really say anything about the how and why of the people with autism who lack the ability to move fluidly, or even what you might call normal.

I am hypersensitive, this means that for me, sensory input can come in twice as strong, or stronger, than what neurotypical people (people without autism) experience. On a bad day walking down the street can feel like walking in a hardcore festival. That may sound exaggerated, but it hardly isn’t. I like going to fantasy fairs, but I sometimes have to stay at the fringes of the bands on stage because the sound can hurt my ears or my stomach. When dogs bark around me, you can quickly find me with my fingers in my ears because the sound is just so loud (and in some cases, so high). When Men of Steel come out in the movie theaters I went to see it with my boyfriend in the IMAX version. He knew of my problems with sound, so when he knew that it was going to get loud because of explosions or something he would cover my ears. I spend most of that movie hunched behind my boyfriend to get away from the sound (and we were in the back of the room), with mine and his hands over my ears. And I finally had to leave the room because I had gotten an headache from the movie. I can’t go to IMAX showings because the sound that they project is already really loud and the theaters can’t turn it down. I’ve also had to walk out of restaurants because  I have trouble sleeping because I can’t turn off hearing sounds from outside, so I have a white noise machine next to my head that produces ocean wave sounds so that I can calm down and let the other sounds drown in the white noise of the waves. That’s the theory at least, but it doesn’t always work out that great. There are plenty of nights when my head is still so full of everything that my head can’t settle and I spend most of the night going over everything, whether I want to or not.

I hate perfume because the smell is really strong for me, same with deodorant. When I have to get shampoo or shower gel I have to smell it, to know if that smell is ok for me. Alcoholic beverages stink almost as bad as perfume and deodorant do, so when someone at my table is drinking wine I sometimes have to kindly ask them to move their glass of wine further away from me.

I am kickass at those hidden object games because I usually see the individual objects better, I am also great at finding things that someone has lost in a room. That perk also comes from my autism, because my brain processes the input for every single item and not for the mess in the room as a whole.

Going out to restaurants can be a real nightmare for me because sometimes I don’t like the tastes of certain foods, or the feeling that they have in my mouth, or the consistency of the food, or the sound that it makes in my mouth when I eat it. And if you’re wondering about that last one, then really listen to your mouth when you eat something next time. There are foods that make me cringe when I eat it, couple that with a feeling in my mouth that gives me a gag reflex and it really goes on the ‘least favourite food’ list. Some things I can’t eat separately, like cheese (but that has to do with a stomach problem), but I can eat them in combination with other food (such as ham and cheese). Chips these days I can only eat in moderation, because after a certain amount of them the taste of them becomes so strong that I don’t like to eat them anymore. So sometimes it can take a while to find a restaurant where I can eat. Doubly so if I’m going to eat with people who I know will look weirdly at me for asking the waiter to take my food back and re-make it without certain elements. Or when I have to leave maybe half of what was on the plate because I can’t eat it. Because I know that they will look weirdly it makes my thing with food a bigger thing for me, and I will try as hard as a I can to find food that will not provoke actions that will make them look weirdly at me. That can sometimes lead to a stomach that is so twisted up that my appetite is gone or I can eat even fewer things and it really just escalates for me. It has happened that at some point I get so worked up about my thing with food that I just want a normal plate of normal food with no extra thingamies and that I just start crying. So to make it easier for me, I like to know upfront what the possibilities are with food.

Another kickass thing about my autism is that I have excellent memory and that I remember very small details about things. My boyfriend has used me as an extra notepad from time to time, to help him remember what needs to be done or what needs to be filled in where.

A lot of miscommunication happens because my brain walks along different paths, or because I am still in an earlier part of the conversation, or when my mind picked out a single element from the conversation and started running along a path that opened up and I suddenly start talking about a completely different thing. I have problems with the social aspects of life because I don’t always completely understand what someone is saying, or how they mean it. Sometimes when I am nervous or anxious my social reactions are sort of jerky, that’s my best descriptions of them. When I get nervous or anxious I appear to lose the ability to think fluidly, I am also more clumsy then. I can start stuttering a bit, or even be completely unable to speak. When I am nervous or anxious I always think of myself as a cornered cat that will try to make weird jumps just to get out of that corner. When I am especially tired a wall can be built up in my head around my ability to speak. I am there, I am listening, I am mostly processing what you’re saying, but for whatever reason I cannot open my mouth and use my voice to answer you. Outward communication just takes up too much energy then. I also can’t eat certain foods when I’m that tired.

I’m going to end it here. This is just a part of what I am dealing with on a daily basis. On days when I’m tired everything costs more energy and comes in harder. On days where I’ve had to process too much I shut down for the rest of it, because my brain has to catch up. So for all the people out there who have autistic people in their surroundings, and don’t always understand how or why we work in a certain way, we don’t always know it either. But you can rest assured that we are not acting up in public simply because we want to embarrass you or show you how weird we are. My biggest dream is to just be normal, to be able to go into any restaurant, order whatever on the menu, drink alcohol, and be what society deems normal. Although not all autistic people will share my dreams, I do know that we don’t want to be left out. We want to be long with the rest of you, but sometimes our bodies make it hard to function on a normal level, let alone do whatever society thinks we should do. But I urge everyone: if you don’t understand what we’re doing, or why we’re doing it, just ask. If you’re unsure whether we are ok with something, just ask. Talk with us about what’s going on, find ways with us that we can understand each other and let us know that you’re ok with us being the way we are. Because I get especially nervous and anxious if I know that something that I have to do because my autism demands it for a certain reason, if I know that the person will judge me because of it. That will make me especially uncomfortable to be around that person, which will make my reactions jerky and awkward, which makes everything worse. But if I know that you can deal with me being different sometimes, or that I have to do some things in a certain way, then I can relax, and I won’t have nearly so much problems. So make us feel at ease, and any communication with us will go a lot easier and life for us will be easier. Of course I can’t speak for everyone, but I felt pretty safe saying that ;).

Learning new things and taking stances

Last night I came back from Moots II a LARP event by Vortex Adventures. For those of you not in the know, LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. What that basically comes down to is this: do you remember as a child playing dress up and playing outside having the wildest tales and adventures? LARP is the combination of those two. Whatever the duration of an event is, that is the amount of time that you get to be outside in nature, stay up late if you want to, be crazy, weird, wonderful, bashful, silent, outrageous, or whatever you want to be with a group of people that are also experiencing the same things. Some of the people you know, some of the people you never get to know. It doesn’t matter, because together you all create a world, with consequences and rules and special things that happen there.

As an autist LARP can be very difficult for me. Having all these people around me, getting all these impressions. It’s sometimes hard to filter and sort everything out.

The first day, which usually starts around 16:00, I can’t really get much done. I have to acclimate, feel that I’m there again, feel where everything needs to be and where I’m going to fit in. It’s incredibly chaotic and my head isn’t really capable of forming much thought. That first night is always for me about being there with the people and finding my spot.

My first LARP event, last year’s Moots II, I participated in a fight on Friday night, to get it over with and to feel how it is. It was a small group of monsters (Non Player Characters) who came to the players as demonic somethings, and we had to be intimidating and say nothing. Eventually it came to a fight. At some point I can still remember very vividly that I had three players around me who were attacking me, I was trying to keep up with how many hits I was still ‘allowed to take’, how to react to the attacks of all three players and trying to attack them myself. When I was attacked by those three players one of them hit me on my nose, right below my glasses, with a dagger or something. That really hurt, but I couldn’t do something about it because we were fighting and it hadn’t sunk in yet, because adrenaline.Then there is the fact that it’s dark and that we were fighting between tents with, you can guess it, tent lines. At some point the players stepped back a bit because I was nearly tripping over them and when I actually fell backwards over someone lying dead, I didn’t see him because it was already dark, I decided that it was as good time to go dead. After some time I got up, held up my hand to indicate I was Out of Character and walked to a Game Leader, who told me that I could re-spawn if I wanted to so I did. This time after I died the players ‘cut off my head’, hauled me up and dragged me to the fire where they ‘dropped me in’, not really of course! After that I was done and I didn’t really see anymore monsters so I thought it was a good time for me to head back to the monster tent. That was when the adrenaline dropped and I slowly started to cry because of everything that had just happened. Someone who saw it happening brought me to the red cross tent and they signalled the leader of the monster crew, who fetched my boyfriend and came to me. That was my first and last official fight.

It wasn’t a bad fight, it was actually pretty epic and cool to do. But for me it was too much and I am too insecure to feel comfortable with it. Especially with people who I don’t know. After that fight I decided that fighting wasn’t for me. It happens. Maybe someday I’ll feel more comfortable and secure and pick it up again. So that was the end of fighting.

The other part of LARP is roleplay. One of the most common things with autists is that we have trouble with communication. Roleplay is all about communication. Giving someone a message, I’ve done those, they’re pretty cool and simple. But also telling a story through your behaviour and what you do with your face and voice. That is something I’m even more insecure about, because I know that it’s a problem area for me. But that is what I’m focussing on, because it is something that I can learn tricks for and I can practice.

But I’m not leading role material, yet. I have extreme difficulty pitching my voice, and when you have to address a hundred people you need to pitch your voice. That can make it very difficult to find something cool and epic to do during a LARP event as an NPC/monster. I’ve had an event where I got really, really bored because I couldn’t find my spot and I wanted to do something but there wasn’t something that I could see that said ‘yes, that’s something I can do’. Insecurity really held me back.

Then a Game leader did the most amazing thing, probably without really realizing it. He created a small role for me. I can read tarot, though I should really keep practicing that, and he could use that in game to give some of the players a message. And by reading for other players I could just be out there on the field, having fun, generating game, making the world a little livelier. Well, at first I went out there on my own. I sat for half an hour, or longer, in an extremely cold wind, and no one who paid me any mind. When I was frozen solid I had enough and went back. I told the Gameleader that this wasn’t working and that I needed help. So we found someone who could play my brother. We dressed him up as well and went out again. This time we went somewhere else, we actually made a deal with the merchants that I could perform readings in one of their tents. I did a few readings there and then we went out, walked by the various camps and talked to people. Sat at a fire for a short time. And eventually I got to talk with one of those people that I was to give a message to, through a reading. It didn’t go completely as the Gameleader and I had imagined it, but that’s ok. The message was given and because we were again starting to get really cold so we went back.

After that I made a decision for myself: I would try to create roles for myself. Something to do for me, even if there isn’t a place for me in the big plot. But I also knew that I couldn’t do things like this on my own. I needed someone with me, to break the ice and keep things going when necessary.

After Moots I me and my boyfriend signed up for a Monsterweekend. There we had several workshops where you could learn things that could improve your game but also your fun during a LARP weekend. On Saturdaynight there was a LARP evening, just that evening. We would all get an assigned role, get dressed up accordingly and then start playing. The starting to play is very awkward, but that’s normal. I was given quite a big role, which really surprised me, but it also gave me what I needed to play comfortably. I was given the role of ex-wife of the ex-head of my maffia family, who was now the wife of the current head of that maffia family. I was given some goals and given some background information. I had told them that I needed a buddy, and that was my husband, so that worked out grand. Before we started playing me and my ‘husband’ sat down and discussed, how we were going to act towards one another ( such great memories there), what we wanted out of our ‘marriage’ and stuff like that. Of course I didn’t tell him that I was secretly ‘in love’ with someone else. Having a buddy meant that if I didn’t know what to do I could just stay around him, and talk, or chat with others. There were things to be discussed, and being a top-wife I had the right to discuss it with them. But I also got the time to arrange that secret love affair, without my husband’s knowledge. What was absolutely wonderful was that I had arranged that four people were protecting me: my ex-husband, who needed me to get him out, which was not in my plan, my husband, because I was his wife, duhh, my lover, because we wanted to elope together, and then there was a hired assassin who was hired NOT to kill, but one or more of those parties. That is where I learned, how to make LARP fun for me, while giving others game to play with as well.

This event I played a role that had very big impacts for me, not for others really, but it did for me. I played the servant of an incredibly corrupt noble couple.

LARPThat’s me in the middle there. First time I was photographed during a LARP event I think. I knew when I took this role that I was going to be humiliated. And I was, probably not as much as they could have, but they had another servant who they humiliated even more. At some point they thought I said something stupid and they had the other servant ‘slap’ me. We came across a player who got enamored with me, God knows why. I had to pre-taste food and drink for them. Make sure that they’re comfortable and was sent on errands. At the end we came before the new Goddess of the creation Pantheon (knowledge of that world, not very important for this) and the player who was enamored with me, threw an apple right at ‘my mistress’. She told me to do something about it. My first thought “Crap. What am I going to do?” I walked up to him in a sort of a huff, still not knowing what I was going to do. Then I remembered the slapping and that the other servant had also slapped that player and others. So I thought, let’s try that. And I tried the theater slap on him. Thank God for me he played along fabulously. I pointed at him with an angry finger saying “You don’t do something like that!” and walked away in a huff again. I felt absolutely great doing that, because I had never imagined that I could do something like that, let alone with someone I didn’t know. I did that, I created the circumstances where I did that.

Tarot Readings

I am going to have a new service via my blog.  As I’ve talked about this earlier it might not come as a big surprise that I’m now going to offer tarot readings through my blog. Click on the page above that says ‘Free Tarot Reading’ and fill in the contact form. Because I am still learning the tarot readings are still going to be free. However, because I am still learning I would appreciate any and all feedback that you can give me about how you experienced the reading, if I was even remotely close to your situation or if my advice/answer was so completely off track it wasn’t even funny. Maybe you find my writing style incomprehensible and unclear, or maybe you find it absolutely fantastic and/or hilarious. Every feedback is welcome, because it will allow me to learn more about how I should be reading tarot, or how I should present my readings.

It may be that your question or whatever you want advice for is something that I cannot answer through the tarot. If that is the case than I will discuss with you a rephrasing of the question or advice-request, or maybe re-direct the question. This page will explain to you, easier than I can here, what you can and cannot, or should not, ask the tarot.

Because of my autism, and because outside of tarot reading I also have a somewhat filled life, I will generally not be able to do the reading immediately. I will however do my absolute best to do the reading within 7 days after I’ve read and responded to your reading request. I will answer every request, with either saying that I’ve read your request and will perform the reading within 7 days, or maybe I have a follow up question regarding your request, or, if my schedule will be very, very, very busy I will answer that I may not be able to do the reading within 7 days and I will ask if you want to wait for the reading or if you want to cancel the request. Because I am also going to sign up to be a free reader for biddytarot, it could be that I will re-direct you to their site if I cannot perform the reading within the time frame of 7 days.

If you have a question, or a situation to which you need speedy advice, and you would like a very speedy reading (preferably within two or three days, or even that same day), than I would like to ask for a small donation. The size of the donation is completely up to you, but because you are asking me to set aside time to do that reading for you immediately, I feel that in the spirit of professionalism I have to ask for it. The donation does not have to be monetary, an exchange of services or goods is also fine by me. It is all up for discussion. All you have to do is fill in the request form normally, and in the comment section write that you need/want a speedy reading and what you would like to offer as a donation. I will reply to that request as soon as I can and let you know if I can accept the donation and how to go from there. I have a paypal account which I will use for the monetary donations.


Because I’m from the Netherlands you can choose between whether you want to receive my reading in English or in Dutch. I am well aware that not everybody in the Netherlands can work through English as well as I can and because I want you to be able to properly read what I’ve read for you I decided to put in the option. If you do not choose a language I will default to English. I do not speak, or write, German, French or any other language. Not fluently enough at least to write the reading in.

I hold the right to change the information displayed on this page at any point in the future. If I feel that I’ve studied enough and that I want to go professional I might change this page to display the prices. If you want to receive notice of when this will happen I suggest that you subscribe to this post or this blog, if I change anything to this post then you should get an e-mail. (I am not completely sure about this, because I also still don’t know how I can send an e-mail to those who have already subscribed to my blog)

Applerostis out of the oven

My boyfriend is trying to watch his calories, and because basically everything that has sugar in it is immediately a calorie bomb, I thought that I could make some cookies for him without using sugar. However, cookies are so great because they are sweet, so I needed something else to replace the sweetness of the sugar. So I thought, why don’t I make cookies with apples and raisins, healthy, low on calories, but still soooo good to eat.

I went searching for recipes for this, but I wasn’t overly happy with the actual no sugar, apple cookies that I found because it’s in the category of ‘super healthy freak’ recipes. But I, however, found some recipes for applerostis, which are basically cookies, but normally made with potatoes and vegetables. Because I am a big fan of those potato-rostis I thought that this would be a win-win situation. Then I saw that they needed to be baked in butter in a pan and I thought ‘no, that’s not going to happen, because then I’ve lost every progress I made towards making healthy low-fat cookies’. I decided to bake them in the oven instead, at about 180 degrees Celsius and then see how long they would actually have to be in there.

If you also want to make these heavenly, healthy cookies without sugar, low on fat and low on calories here’s the recipe:


– 3 apples (I used Pink Lady because they are were the only naturally sweet apples the supermarket had, but you can use others if you want)
– 3 spoons full of raisins (I think I put more in mine, but they got stuck in the packet, so it was hard to be sure how many there actually were, but you want to have the kind of ratio that you find in applepies, so if you’ve got big apples (like I did) then you have to use more raisins, if you have small apples, you don’t have to use as much.)
– lemonjuice and cinnamon (I sort of forgot to use these…)
– 50 grams of self raising flour (Google translate isn’t giving me a good translation I think, but I can’t find a better one)
– 1/2 dl milk (I used semi-skinned milk)
– 1 egg

I have a hot-air oven and I set it to 180 degrees Celsius. I have no idea what you have to do if you have a different kind of oven.

– whisk the egg, whisk in the milk and then the flour.
– peel the apples, cut them in fours and remove the cores. Then you grate them rough, the final bits I couldn’t grate anymore I cut up in small bits.
– Stir the applegrating and the raisins through the batter. But don’t throw in everything at the same time, just bit by bit.

At first I tried to make them like normal cookies on a plate, but the second round I put in my muffin tin (the silicon ones you can pop easily) and they turned out better. Don’t be stingy with putting the batter in, the bigger ones actually come out better and hold their shape better as well.

Life Expectations and how they are crushed

I’ve always been the first to say to my boyfriend that I don’t really do in expectations. I hope, I dream, I fear, but I rarely expect. This is always particularly frustrating to people who ask me how I think I did on exams or anything, because I simply refuse to say if I think I passed or not. This is largely due to the fear that if I expect that I passed an exam, and I tell everyone that I think I passed, the shame of not having passed that exam is almost unbearable to me.

My boyfriend has been very frustrated the past half year or so, because he had expected something from life and it didn’t happen for him. I am among the first to say that if you expect something from life, it is bound to be taken from you or not given to you. So I try not to expect anything from life, to be happy with what is given to me and what I achieve.

But this morning I found out that I did have an expectation about life.

I expected that if I just studied hard enough, I could get a good degree and a good job and I could be a normal part of society and could contribute to it.

The realization that that expectation can never be completely fulfilled didn’t hit me until this morning, don’t ask me why.
The part that I will never be able to fulfill, is that I will never be a normal part of society. That expectation was taken away from me at the end of 2012 when I got my diagnosis of being Autistic. At the time I was merely relieved: There was a reason why I was different, why I was always bullied in primary school and secondary school, why I was having trouble having and keeping friends. There are without a doubt perks to being Autistic: I can be highly focused on something, I can be incredibly interested in something and delve into the depths of it. But there is one thing that I will never be: I will never be normal.

And the person who is going to say that ‘nobody is normal’ can find a fist in his or her (I have no trouble being violent to any gender, though I do prefer to settle things in a different way) face. All my life all I’ve wanted was to be normal, to fit in, to be a part of the society. All my life I’ve never felt any of that. Only in recent years when I started finding people and places that gave me the feeling that I belonged somewhere and with someone, who gave me the feeling that I’m good the way that I am, have I felt moments of that normalness, of fitting in, of being a part of something. To those people and those places I am incredibly grateful that they exist. But if you don’t have a diagnosis, official or not, you will never ever understand what it is to feel so out of place that you feel like your entire existence is a burden to the people around you, to those who do accept you, because you feel that forever they will be burdened with the association of you. For the rest of my life I am going to need help and understanding of the people around me, just to get through the days. I expected to not have to need that until I was old and had given my share to society.

So to those who do not have a diagnosis, official or no, be thankful of your lucky stars that you can simply be, that you never have to think extra thoughts of how to make things easier on yourself or the people around you, on how you can make yourself understand, of how you have to communicate that you need help, or the kind of help that you need. Maybe give an extra smile to the people around you, because you never know who has a diagnosis and could do with the extra kindness.

Fulfilling your life’s purpose

Everybody has that some thing in their lives which fulfills them. Your life will revolve itself around that which fulfills you.

For some its work, and their family lives aren’t really all that important to them. They may be important of course, but it won’t fill them with that sense of completion that work does. Even their hobbies aren’t really all that entertaining for them. They are simply happiest when they work and when they can go to work. But these are not necessarily the workaholics, because that is an addiction which could have been created out of something very different. Can you imagine what it would be like to be a workaholic but find your fulfillment in your hobby or spouse or child?

For others fulfillment is found in spending time with their families. Work is simply something that they do, and they might like doing it. These people are happiest at family gatherings and family dinners and are typically the people who will enjoy putting together a party or a thoughtful present for a loved one.

Then there are those whose fulfillment is found in their hobbies. They work to provide money for their families and the continuation of their hobbies.

Sometimes finding out where you find your fulfillment can take a long time, because extenuating circumstances might make it difficult to pinpoint where you are happiest exactly. Since for some their hobbies have become their work and it can be difficult to see if they love their hobby or their work, as both are the same thing. I’ve never really seen the need to criticize someone because they don’t love their job, or because they overly love their job. Everybody needs to have that one thing where life makes sense for them. I think that in finding that and doing that is your purpose. Not everyone can do the same thing. Why should everyone have to want to do the same thing? Why shouldn’t someone be happy doing what they want to do?

The most difficult situations arise when you put the priority of your non-fulfillment activities over your fulfillment activities, because you’re essentially going against your nature. You often won’t find peace with yourself and your life until you can put the priority of your fulfillment activities where it belongs again.

Lately I’ve been wondering about what my purpose is and where I find my fulfillment. Going back to my stories and my creating I remember. My purpose is to create. My creations may not be the best. But they are my creations and I make them to best of my abilities. When I am working on something and am in the process of creating something I feel the peace and sense of purpose that I lack in other parts of my life. I already that if and when I’m going to find a job, it’s never going to be the job that’s most important to me. Though I do want one that I like doing, because it’ll be easier to motivate myself to actually go and work if I like what I’m doing.

Incurable disease

At the end of 2012 I was given the ‘Autism spectrum’ diagnosis. I was put in this group of people who had also recently been given their diagnoses and every two weeks we came together with two instructors to be taught on all things autism and how to deal with the way that our brains are wired differently.

Only very prior to that diagnosis I had come down with a very nasty stomach flu that kept my in house and without any stomach contends for longer than I care for. It even got so far that my mom and boyfriend carried me off to the hospital because my body just wasn’t taking in anything, let alone the stuff that it actually needs to work properly. Just when I was on the mend, it started all over and all I could think was ‘Please, God, no’. It turned out that the stomach flu had caused so much mayhem in my body that my thyroid had started working overtime, causing the exact same symptoms. It cost me about a year to get my thyroid back to how it should work.

While I was dealing with all this, someone very close to me started going down, got depressed. And one fine day, even attempted, but stopped, suicide.

At the end of that school year, I was very close to that point myself. Unfortunately, the psychiatrist that was assigned to me couldn’t, or wouldn’t, do anything for me. So I asked my psychiatrist to sign me up for this agency that can help people with diagnoses similar to my own and who have difficulty coping with life and what it throws at you. My first coach from that agency couldn’t stay with me because things were changing and the coaches now were only allowed to coach people closer to their homes, to cut back on travelling time and expenses. So I was introduced to my second coach at the end of 2013 and in the middle of the last year of my bachelor.

My second coach told me that there was an experimental program at their agency for people like me who have bigger problems than getting their administration in order and making sure that there are regular showers. I should “Sure, sign me up”. The experimental program lasted about three months and gave me and my boyfriend more insight into autism and how it affects me, and how that affects our relationship. Because no autist is the same, and in every autist the ‘symptoms’ appear different, or on a different difficulty level.

Then I finished my bachelor and started my master in Translation, English to Dutch with a specialty in translating literature.

Before the school year started my grandmother had heart troubles, and all sorts of other troubles as she had been ailing for a while. When the school year started for me, I was thrown head first into a pile of assignments and classes and teachers and classmates. I knew a few of the students and teachers from my bachelor classes. Because of the language difficulty, that unfortunately comes with autism, I had an immediate disadvantage. What was more troubling, was that I knew that I had that disadvantage. But when I asked my teachers for help with clarification or the re-phrasing of the assignment, or with more info on the assignment the answer I eventually got was “We need to stand behind the degree that we give you when you pass this master. So that when people see that you have this degree, that they know what it stands for. If we help you, we can no longer stand behind the degree that we give you.” I answered that for the rest of my life I was going to have to ask people for clarification, including my professional life. So why couldn’t I do that here as well? I was referred back to the previous answer.

During the first block my grandmother kept getting worse. Her prognosis kept getting shortened, until it was clear that she probably wouldn’t even last until November. At that point I stayed at home. It takes me about an hour to get to school, by bus and train, and if something happened with my grandmother I wanted to be there quickly, not have to wait until the next train and bus could take me home. I stayed at home for about two and a half weeks. During the last week my grandmother died and her cremation was held. My grandmother died via a form of euthanasia in which she was put to sleep, and kept asleep until her body died. She was put to sleep around noon, I sat with her and my mom, her brother, and my dad, that afternoon until about 8pm when I went home. My mother and her brother stayed with my grandmother. She died early in the morning.

That first block I found out that my language disadvantage really was a disadvantage, but my fear of failing was that even more. I managed to pass the courses in the first block with still two fail marks to my name, for two translations which I thought were really hard and I couldn’t really cipher them out. To me didn’t, and doesn’t, really matter that I wasn’t the only one among my classmates to have troubles with those translations, or that I wasn’t even the only one to have failed them. I only care that I failed them, that I couldn’t understand the assignment and the source text well enough to make a good translation.

I applied for a study buddy with humanitas, a volunteer organisation, which in this case seeks volunteers to help out students who are having a difficult time studying. By the time that I was assigned one, it was actually already too late. The fear of failure had gotten me so deep that even the successes that I did have, they didn’t seem real anymore. It started feeling like pity grades. Where I had awarded myself something for a good mark in block one, I couldn’t even be bothered with good marks in block two. All I could think off was the possibility of bad grades, of not passing this degree in one go.

Even while I was still in my bachelor I had applied for help from this national mental healthcare sort of thing. I had also applied to be declared partially unfit for work. Yesterday we were finally able to carve out what that help would actually entail from the first. For the latter I am now going to court to appeal the appeal, because I don’t really have much mental health records from before I was eighteen, but everyone around me agrees that I am unfit to work a full workweek. The government appears to think that there is still work that I can do full time, I can tell you that there isn’t, because my performance anxiety, costs me so much energy that I can probably work full time for three weeks, if that, and then I’ll be at home sick, because my body refuses to take anymore strain.

So during block two my mental state was going down the drain. Because the psychiatrist with the national mental health care facility only works two days, and both days in a location that was very unpractical to realize from where my classes were, I had opted to let my GP take care of my mental health prescriptions. The first one put me over the toilet in about an hour. I actually that most of that wasn’t even the fault of the medication, but my body was already so strung up from fear and pushing myself past my limits that the feeling of nausea that the medication can give was multiplied to a great deal. But I was taken off those medication and put a different one, while I wasn’t as nauseous as I had been, it still didn’t make me feel great nor did it really seem to go away over time. So on Christmas Eve the GP sent me to an apothecary for a new prescription. I was so out of it on Christmas day that I could hardly talk. But by the time that I could think again, which was on my boyfriend’s birthday, all my thoughts went to the mayor deadlines I had awaiting me after Christmas break and how I had no clue how to make them happen and pass them.

On December 30th I tried to break up with my boyfriend, because I did not want him to have to live with someone with so much problems and issues. He talked me out of it. But by new year’s eve I was ready to put an end to myself. I didn’t, and still don’t, want to be a bother to those around me. And my problems and issues demand that I ask for help, frequently, or have someone help me almost every day. And I don’t want to do that to the people I love. So I just wanted to take myself out of the equation. My mom, dad and boyfriend had a hell of a new year’s eve I can tell you, because the GP that we had seen that day said I should just wait for my medication to kick in past the turning point.

At the end of that week we had people from the crisis service visiting us, because that day my boyfriend had just told me that he couldn’t carry me anymore. He had nothing left to give. I understand his position completely, but at the time that I was already at an alltime low it broke my resolve to wait for the medication to kick in. If even he, the strongest person I know, couldn’t carry me anymore, how could I? Luckily my mom walked in the room just as I was finishing up the phone call and could catch me breaking me down. I had wanted to be put in a mental facility, because I had just lost every will to live. But they told me that being there wouldn’t do anything, so I opted to stay home in stead.

The next day I decided to quit school, work on myself and decide later if I want to go back to school. On Monday my brother collapsed in the store where he works. He was finally sent home last Saturday to heal his severe concussion because his heart was fine again.  Yesterday I had people coming over, my monitor from the national mental health care facility and later on in the day my coach also came over, to talk about what was going to happen next. What was I going to do, how was it all going to be taken care of.

Yesterday was the first day that I saw my autism as an incurable disease. Something that will never go away, and can only be lived with. Where I have to learn from every problem and difficulty that arises. Yesterday I had a bad day and I wished that I had a dr House to look at all my symptoms, put them together into manageable groups of what goes with what and then give me a treatment to solve everything.

dr house